Vision, Missions and Objectives


Vision :
Making Professional Studies Program nurses as superior in printing highly skilled professional nurses, noble and able to be a community leader in health care.

Missions :

  1. Provide education profession professional nurses, in the form of activity-based learning approach to Information Technology Student Center Learning (SCL) with specialization approach at Community Nursing and Emergency Nursing.
  2. Provide guidance to the nurse profession menthorship Preceptor approach to promoting Islamic role model of professional nursing.
  3. Organize cooperation in the development of nursing skills, clinical research and community service to improve the health and welfare of the community.
  4. Conducting ongoing nursing practice to continuously improve service quality through certification, training and specialization in the practice of community-based nursing and emergency nursing.

Objectives :
The goal of education is to prepare students stage profession through professional adjustment in the form of clinical learning experiences and field comprehensively, so that it has the professional capability as follows :

  1. Applying the concepts, theories and principles of behavioral science, social sciences, biomedical sciences and nursing science in implementing nursing care to individuals, families, communities and society.
  2. Implement nursing care of simple problems to complex problems completely through assessment, determination of nursing diagnoses, nursing action planning, implementation and evaluation of both promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative, within the limits of authority, responsibility and his ability and ethics based on Islamic and nursing profession.